Typical Performance
Evaporation tower and degassing tower are the key equipments in waste treatment system (TEU) and boron recovery system (TEP) in nuclear power station. Degassing tower is used to remove hydrogen, nitrogen, and radioactive gases from the reactor coolant. Evaporation tower is used to evaporate the coolant after degassing into reactor-grade make-up water (distillate) and boric acid solution ( concentrated solution). Currently, the complete sets of evaporation tower and degassing tower of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station and Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station are provided by a French company. Since complex technologies and technical problem of these two key equipments, development organizations in domestic easily dare not to tread. And the domesticization level and progress of nuclear power equipments has been seriously hampered.
To break the technological difficulties, scientific research program "Rush Plan"——"the research on the key technologies of evaporation tower and degassing tower in waste system" is hereby set up by CGNPC. Central China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute is responsible for organizing scientific research.
DUBLE has undertaken the design, manufacturing, debugging and other complete building work of evaporation tower unit and has passed the acceptance of CGNPC successfully.
This topic aimed at technical and scientific researching of restrictive towers and equipments of in service or under construction nuclear power plants to break the monopoly of foreign technology, reduce the construction cost of new project power plant, realize the domestication of equipment or system, and ultimately form the proprietary intellectual property rights and further enhance the own brand and core competitiveness.

脱气塔 Degassing Tower 蒸发塔Evaporation Tower
Subordinate enterprise
■ Jiangsu Debang Engineering Co., Ltd.
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